Specialist Pruning

With so many different varieties of trees and shrubs, pruning and training can be a daunting task. Some of the most commonly asked questions in the public gardens we have worked were regarding pruning techniques. From roses to fruit trees, clematis to wisteria, between us we have pruned almost every type of plant you can imagine. Having a thorough understanding of the horticultural principles behind plant growth and pruning means we are well equipped to keep your plants healthy, beautiful and productive. We have extensive experience of the following:

  • Essential annual pruning of shrubs to keep them flowering and healthy.

  • Ornamental trees such as crab apples, cherries, acers, magnolias and laburnum.

  • Fruit trees including apples, pears, plums, gages, figs, apricots and peaches.

  • Training techniques from wall trained trees and shrubs to espaliers, step-overs and cordons. we also have extensive experience of training plants over arches, gates, and garden features such pergolas and tunnels.

  • Roses of all descriptions.

  • Climbing plants such as clematis and wisteria.

  • Overgrown or neglected trees and shrubs, particularly old apple trees.